Outage WebMap
- Click on the map below to see any active outages.
- If your outage does not show on the map, please call us at (844) 974-4331 to use our automated outage reporting system, or call (800) 562-5612 for more information.
- You can also report an outage using the SmartHub App.
- You can also find outage info on Facebook and Twitter.
- See: Outage and Disaster Preparedness below.
- In case of an emergency call 911.
Please navigate to the active WebMap application by clicking on the image or title above, don’t forget to bookmark for future reference!If you are experiencing an outage not seen after navigating to the active WebMap application, please call.
Chehalis | Toll Free | Morton |
(360) 748-9261 | (800) 562-5612 | (360) 496-6100 |
Outage and Disaster Preparedness
- For more information on creating an emergency plan, please visit:
- FEMA: Emergency Supply List (PDF)
- Lewis County: Emergency Preparedness Article