Maecenas as a Figure of Style: The Two Senecas (2024)

Rome's Patron: The Lives and Afterlives of Maecenas

Emily Gowers



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Rome's Patron: The Lives and Afterlives of Maecenas

Emily Gowers


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Emily Gowers

Emily Gowers

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  • Published:

    February 2024


Gowers, Emily, ' Maecenas as a Figure of Style: The Two Senecas', Rome's Patron: The Lives and Afterlives of Maecenas (2024; online edn, Princeton Scholarship Online),, accessed 4 Oct. 2024.





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The chapter addresses Maecenas as a figure of style. Mysterious figure that he was, everyone agrees that he had a distinctive way of being and moving in the world. According to Seneca, Maecenas was equally notorious for his eccentric literary style. The chapter looks at the practice of declamation before considering Epistles 114, which is the best source for Maecenas's prose writing. Seneca starts with generalities and returns to them at the end, but the singular personality of Maecenas as vilified object is central. Seneca's composite is one of Western culture's earliest portraits of the libertine or decadent. His Maecenas is a forerunner not just of Tacitus's Petronius but also of Casanova, the Marquis de Sade, Aubrey Beardsley, and Oscar Wilde.

Keywords: Maecenas, style, Seneca, declamation, Epistles 114, prose writing, libertine, decadent

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Maecenas as a Figure of Style: The Two Senecas (2024)
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