You probably know by now that Lauryn LOVES protein.
Upping her protein intake over the last 3 years has been a game-changer for her body transformation journey. If you’re struggling with unhealthy cravings or just never feeling full, getting more protein can definitely help.
We know not everyone wants to eat a bowl of meat every day. And some of us really struggle to get enough protein to see major body changes, especially plant-based eaters.
But there is something out there that works even better than protein. AMINO ACIDS.
And the ones we like are light, refreshing and delicious. (Get the mango one).
Today we’re welcoming back health, fitness and supplement expert Angelo Keely to tell us about amino acids. Angelo is the co-founder and CEO of Kion, has been on The HIM & HER Show twice, and recently wrote a blog post all about creatine for us.
Today he’s here to tell us how amino acids can increase your protein intake and how they work.
Are Amino Acids Better Than Protein?
Think of your body like a house.
Carbs and fat are the energy sources – the lights, the heat, the electricity. But protein holds your house together and keeps it from crumbling to the ground.
As we age, the proteins in our body naturally break down. Our hair, skin, nails, muscles, organs, and brains are all made of protein, and if we don’t replenish this protein through diet, these parts of our “house” can start to degrade and age faster than we want.
However, by getting enough protein in your diet (and especially this secret part of protein I’m about to tell you about), you can essentially slow down the aging process.
Muscle: Whether you’re aiming to sculpt, tone, or keep up with crazy toddlers, muscles are the real MVP. They keep your metabolism burning hot and give you that lean, tight look. Muscular strength also helps you stay strong and agile as you age.
Body composition: When it comes to body goals, it’s not just about weight. It’s about composition—how much of your body is lean muscle versus fat. Protein supports that balance.
Strong, healthy bones: We all love strong cheekbones, but protein helps strengthen all of our bones, which reduces the risk of osteoporosis and fractures. So you can stay healthy and strong well into your golden years.
Stay full: Protein has a “high satiety” effect, which can help curb cravings and keep you satisfied longer, making it easier to stick to your healthy eating goals.
Healthier hair, skin, and nails: All of the things that make us look good are also made up of proteins. Collagen protein is crucial for skin elasticity and hydration, reducing wrinkles, and keeping that youthful glow. Keratin is another protein that strengthens your hair and nails, preventing breakage and damage.
In a Nutshell:
If you want to look good, feel good, and age well, protein is your best friend. But hitting daily protein goals is where a lot of us get struggle.
Most health and fitness experts say you should get 1 gram of protein per 1 lb of body weight if you want optimal body composition, energy, and overall health (145 lbs = 145 grams protein).
Eating that much protein can be tough, and it’s even harder if you are:
+ Plant-based or don’t eat a lot of meat
+ Restricting calories to lose weight
+ In a leaning out/muscle-building phase (protein needs go up even more)
+ Don’t enjoy food prep and cleaning
If you struggle to get enough protein for any of those reasons, there’s a solution that’s much more effective than just eating protein.
Amino acids are the easiest, most convenient way to get the benefits of protein – and more – without actually having to eat more protein.
But let’s back up. What are amino acids?
When we eat protein, it gets broken down into smaller components. These are amino acids.
Going back to our “body = house” analogy…amino acids are the raw materials you need to rebuild or remodel your house. Wood, concrete, steel, etc.
There are 20 total amino acids, but 9 of them are “essential” amino acids (EAAs for short) because we can only get them from protein in our diet. They’re also some of the most important ones for our health.
We’ve already talked about why protein is amazing, but EAAs are BETTER than protein in so many ways. Especially if you want to build muscle, lean out, and have crush-your-day kind of energy.
Here’s what they can do for you, specifically if you have fitness or body goals.

Turns out, EAAs get you lean faster than steak.
Studies show they’re up to 6x MORE effective at stimulating muscle protein synthesis (science talk for “muscle building and repair”) than whole food protein alone.
Here’s a cool fact:When NASA realized their astronauts were losing muscle in space (from lack of gravity) they wanted to study EAAs as a possible solution.
In the study, 20 participants were put on complete bed rest for 28 days. In addition to three meals a day, they were given EAAs + carbohydrates twice a day. And the results were crazy.
The group that took EAAs lost ZERO muscle mass after 28 days of complete bed rest. Almost a month of doing nothing but sit around…and they kept all their muscle. That’s insane.
So not only can you take EAAs to hang onto your muscle when you’re recovering, taking a break from working out, or even just sleeping…you can add an EAA supplement when you’re actually active, lifting, and exercising to get even BETTER results.
In other words, with EAAs you can build lean muscle faster, recover faster, and see results faster than just eating a high-protein diet.
Worried about “bulking up?” Don’t be. First of all, getting “bulky” is not going to happen overnight. Many men lift heavy for YEARS trying to get “swole,” and they have 10x more testosterone than women. It’s not easy. Second, this is LEAN muscle we’re talking about, and that’s exactly what you want for a toned, tight body composition.

Another way EAAs help you achieve a lean physique is by keeping you full and satiated, so you don’t feel the need to binge or snack. Many people say their cravings completely disappear after taking some EAAs. Likely because your body is getting the fuel it’s craving.
And if you’re restricting calories to lean out, EAAs are CRUCIAL.
When you’re in a calorie deficit, studies say you may need up to 300% MORE essential amino acids to maintain muscle mass. Otherwise, your body will burn muscle for energy, even before it burns fat.
This is why so many people get “skinny fat” when they diet – they’re not eating enough protein or taking amino acids to offset the deficit, so their body is literally “eating” muscle for fuel. (AKA “Ozempic Face”).
An EAA supplement is the best way to combat this.
You’ll get all the amino acids you need to maintain that lean, toned look without having to eat insane amounts of protein. That makes it so much easier to stick to whatever dietary goals you have, meaning you’ll see results faster.
One of the things I love about EAAs is the natural energy boost I get from them. It’s like a nice little buzz, without the crazy jitters or crash from caffeine.
Unlike stimulants, EAAs support your body’s natural energy production, especially during exercise. They give your body an extra source of fuel it can tap into while you’re pushing it hard, which makes them a killer pre-workout.
Bonus, they also help you recover faster after your workout so you’re not dragging the rest of the day. This means more energy for family, work, daily tasks, and all the fun stuff in between.
EAAs in a nutshell: a shortcut to better muscle building, a leaner body, and more energy. Who would say no to that?
While protein is still the MVP macro, EAAs go above and beyond.
They’re more efficient, more effective, and perfect for helping you achieve your goals, whether that’s a lean, toned body, glowing skin, or just more energy to crush your day.
EAAs are like a convenient little “shortcut” that can help you fill the gaps in your routine and get results faster.
Lauryn loves Kion Aminos, especially the mango flavor, because they’re clean, delicious, and have all 9 essential amino acids in the scientifically-backed ratios your body needs for muscle, energy, recovery, and overall health.She also loves Kion’s mold-free coffee and Kion creatine. You can find out why in this blog post.
Be sure to use this link for 20% off subscriptions and 10% off one-time orders AND check out Angelo on The Show here and here where he goes in depth on his own health and fitness journey and showcases more science-backed studies on what aminos and creatine can do for you.
x, The Skinny Confidential team.
+ Check out Lauryn’s wind-down routine.
++ How to effectively plan out your day.